
Therapy Thursday- Music

I love music!  I love how it speaks to me and through me.  How music can communicate my mood or change my mood.  I also neglect my relationship with music, take it for granted and forget about it.  I love those synchronistic moments when I am reminded what music does for me and takes me out of my head.  Yes, we are ruled by our egos, our minds.  We are constantly thinking putting ourselves in the future, the past and out of the moment.  If you follow my blog you know that I am working towards a huge lifestyle and career change.  Exciting and scary.  But totally worth it in the end.  We only have this life, right now, right?  Driving to work today, I was stuck in ego, in fear, in my mind.  My bills, my income, all my responsibilities.  When one of my favorite songs came on, a song that forced me to dance.  I stopped my thoughts.  I flowed into the music, singing an dancing in my car.  Totally meshing with the music.  I listened to words, allowed them to speak to me.  After the song was over, I felt better, more at ease, more relaxed and definitely less stressed.  Take time to dance, to listen to music that moves you.  Allow music to lift your spirits or perhaps allow it to sing the woes of your soul, your life, your problems. Allow yourself to be moved, to be in the moment.  Allow yourself just to be.  That’s what music does for us, it allows us to be, where ever we are in that exact moment.  Perfect and beautiful!

What music moves you?  What do you listen to when you are angry, sad, happy?  What’s your favorite song?  How do you feel about music?  I know, I asked a lot of questions.  I just want to start the conversation.

Here’s the song that inspired me today 🙂